Printable Church Budget

Church Budget Sample And Details

It is very important to know how to prepare church budget rightly. This does not seem like budgeting personal finances. There will be specific guidelines you must follow if you do not want to destroy a church. Here, we will learn how to create the template correctly.

catholic church budget Planning template


How to Write a Church Budget

Firth of all, you have to write the title. The title can simply say Church Budget. Below is the sample budget for a church you can follow. You should provide some important information related to the budget for a church.

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Actually, the budget is only divided into 2. They are income and expenditure. Starts from the income, you can break it down into some categories. For example, the income includes pledges, rental income, interest, restricted gift, special offering, and miscellaneous activities.

Then, state the amount of each income next to each item. After that, calculate the total of income. This income will be compared to the expenditures to know whether the church has profit or loss. So, you have to make sure that you include all sources of income received.

For the expenditures, you may break it out into some sections. For example, the first is pastor-related expenditure. This may include salary, pension, educational allowance and housing allowance. After that, calculate the pastor-related subtotal correctly and write it down.

The next section of expenditure you should provide in this sample budget printable is administration. There are many expenses for administration such as salary, supplies, literature, postage, telephone, utilities, insurance, property maintenance, etc. Then, provide the subtotal.

If there are some programs or ministers, you should also provide them. The most common programs or ministers are such as youth program, music program and worship program. Then, you also should provide the subtotal amount at the end.

A church certainly has missions. The missions are divided into 2. They are for local and foreign. Here, you should also state the amount of each and then calculate the subtotal of all missions. The budget depends on your church goals.

There may be some other expenditure for a church. One of them is dept retirement fund. Besides that, it may also include building fund. Then, you can also include contingency reserve in the expenditures of the church.

After all the expenditures are provided, now you have to calculate them to figure out the total budget. Here, you can find whether your church has profit, loss or same between income and expenditures.

To get the perfect budget, you need to have some tactics. You must set goals first. Besides that, you also need to cut expenses if possible. Micro management is also very important. You should also pay attention to a financial philosophy.

That is all the guidelines in creating a church budget. The categories of budget may be different from one to another. It depends on the situation as well as budgeting process. Now, you can practice creating it for your church. Hopefully this will be a helpful reference.


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