Liquor Inventory Template Printable

If you have a liquor store or need to manage a liquor warehouse, you will need a liquor inventory template. In this article, we will guide you to create the template by your own. With this template, you can track the list of inventory easily in a period of time.

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How to Write a Liquor Inventory Template

Liquor inventory form lets you get all details maintained well in correct ordered lists. It also lets you categorize liquor inventory & effectively maintain the list. Make sure that the lists are readable and easy to understand. Anyway, let’s see the following guidelines.

Bar Bevarage Excel Format Inventory Template Download1

Everything should be started with a title. So, just simply write the title at the top of the template page. This template is best made using Ms. Excel because it requires you make a table. In this simple template, you should create a table that consists of 7 columns and the rows should adjust the items.

The first column is for Inventory ID. So, you have to make ID number for every inventory you have. It eases you to find when you search the inventory. The second column is for Name. Here, you have to type the name of each inventory item clearly.

The third column is for Description. In this column, you need to describe each item of inventory simply. The next column is Unit Price. Here, state the clear price of every item of inventory. Then, you should also provide Quantity in Stock column. It is used to state the amount of stock available.

Next, you also need to include Inventory Value. It is actually an optional column so that you can skip it. However, it will be better if you still include this column for more detailed information. The last column is for Recorder Level. These are all the main information you must provide in the column.

We also have the following free liquor inventory template. In this template, there is a title at the top. It should be the name of bar. After that, provide some important basic information that includes the name of company, counted by, address of company and date of making the template.

Then, you can see a table with 8 columns. The first column is filled with the type of liquor or the name of brand. Here, you have to list down all type of liquor available in your company. The second column is the information about the amount of unit available.

Then, provide the columns of open bottles, full bottles in bar, and full bottles in storeroom. It means you have to divide the amount of bottle based on some categories. It eases you to know how many bottles specifically based on each condition and location. The next column is for ending inventory.

After that, there is a column of cost per bottle. Here, you should state the price of each bottle from different types or brands of liquor. The last column in this liquor inventory template is total cost. Make sure that all columns are fulfilled with the correct information completely.


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