What Is A Nonprofit Board Resignation Letter

Although you may volunteer for your position on the board of a not-for-profit organization, you are expected to fulfill your designated tenure. However, there may be many reasons why you may need to quit early, including health, family, work conflicts, and many more. If this is the path that is decided and taken, then what you need to do is write a formal non-profit board resignation letter. This is a great way to show other board members that you have good intentions towards them and want to leave gracefully without causing any trouble or trouble.

Artikel 63. Non Profit Board Resignation Letter

Format and Content of the Non-Profit Board Resignation Letter

Resigning a board member is a little different than quitting your job, but you should still try to follow some key strategies in a friendly, professional nonprofit board resignation letter format. First, you want to appear as formal and sleek as possible, be brief and factual at all times, and use proper spelling. You only need and must take less than one page and only a few paragraphs stating briefly your intention to resign and the reasons for it. Since the board may need to follow up with you on some aspects of the position, don’t forget to include your current contact details. Use your discretion in sending copies to leaders or board members according to the circumstances.

Sample of a Non-Profit Board Resignation Letter

You may have written notes about quitting a paid job at some point in your life, but if this is your first time resigning from a nonprofit board membership, looking at examples can give you some ideas. Due to his declining health, this member resigned from his position in the following sample non profit board resignation letter. She writes in a concise, professional manner but remembers to thank her for the position.

How to make a Non-Profit Board Resignation Letter and examples

Dear Ms. Angel,

I am simply sending you this letter to inform you that I am resigning from my position on the board of the XYZ Non-Profit Organization. As you know, in the last few years my health has continued to deteriorate and I have had to miss many board meetings due to being hospitalized. I feel that it is in the best interests of me and the ABC Nonprofit that I step down from current board responsibilities. I hereby relinquish all responsibilities and privileges of my membership, taking effect immediately. I hope you understand.

I apologize for the inconvenience and inconvenience caused by my resignation. If there is any clarification needed on this matter, please feel free to contact me. My phone number is (111) -111-1111 and my email address is [email] I will return all messages as quickly as possible.


I enjoy working with the XYZ Non-Profit Organization and am honored to have served society in this capacity. The experiences I have had as a board member have been very valuable to me and will serve me well in all areas of life. Hopefully, this organization can always be successful, and thank you for your patience and cooperation.


Michell Queen





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