School Appeal and The Sample

just as your children grow older, it comes the time when they should be placed at their belonging school to start their early education. It goes without saying that every parent wants the finest quality of education for their kids. Furthermore, it will greatly relieve their worriedness if the school which the children are craving is the most favourite one. Hate to break it to parents, things just do not go that well. When the announcement comes, parents will likely get a saddening decision regarding their children’s school place. This is the exact moment where parents should use school appeal as their last resort.

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What is School Appeal?

School appeal is an appeal in which you file a reason against the decision elected by the authority of the school. This decision coming from the school can be originated from several things such as the ineligibility of applicants’ documents, unfit requirement, and others. However, parents can directly appeal against these decisions if it is worth the effort and time while being supported with eligible suitable and reasonable justification.

What Are the Odds of Winning School Appeal?

In general, the chances that you may have in succeeding school appeal at a hearing is roughly 27% at most. These numbers have been summed up from all heard appeals. To reach this triumph, you must bring a piece of robust evidence and additional factual information to back up your case at the hearing with the school panels.

How do You Write a Successful School Appeal Letter?

There is actually no clear format to strengthen your goals in succeeding school appeal, even the authority of the school does not provide such luxury. However, the content of the letter just needs to be clear and the format can go along with it. Here is a list of tips to look at.

  • Research on schools’ background, policy, and rules
  • Provide your evidence, and facts
  • Be simple and specific

The Sample of a School Appeal Letter

Now, if you have got too much to bear on you to write the letter, you might as well look at the sample below to put ease on your head for a while.

Dear Mr. Principal

As this letter is written, I officially inform you that I would like to appeal against the verdict made public regarding my child’s place at Intercultural School Jakarta. I believe some circumstances will be eligible to reconsider my child’s eligibility to be enrolled at your school.

Firstly, it is regarding transportation to the school. As our house is located in Depok, Pesona Cinere Residence, we can only afford your school as it is the nearest one. Thus, it will be unreasonable for the child to be allocated the waiting list, raffles international school which is far more inaccessible from our home due to its distance. Secondly, our child suffers from asthma which puts him on a strict movement. Your school is the best suited for this case as the distance can still be tolerable than that of raffles.

To be more accurate, I also have the doctor’s note on my child’s check-up regarding his asthma and the probable distance he can only travel. Please, under those circumstances, my son’s position can still be at your consideration despite the maximum capacity has been reached. Feel free to contact me at 02938948 at any time.

Thank you for your cooperation

Best regards,


Mr. Alex

The information given should be more than enough to get started on your appeal against the school.

A school appeal letter is noticeably a good kind of letter if you want to prove your children’s worth at the desired school.


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