6+ Sample Shared Services Agreement Template

How to Create a Shared Services Agreement with Proper Format

Shared services agreement is not really something new. This agreement has been practiced since the government formation. Today, it is very vital in businesses. Therefore, if you are in a business that provides services, there are some cases where you will need to create this kind of agreement.

Adopting Shared Services Agreement


Tips in Creating a Shared Services Agreement

Creating a shared service agreement template is not difficult. However, there are some important & useful tips that you will need to follow in writing it. So, make sure that you pay attention and consider the following tips as well as guidelines below.

Company to Company and Shared Resource Agreements

First of all, you have to keep it short & sweet. In writing this agreement, you have always to try keeping it simple but easy to understand. It means, you should use understandable languages & sentences. However, make sure that everything is stated in this agreement as clear as possible.

Besides that, it is also very important to use simple language & sentences with a readability of the fifth grader. Even though it is simple, the sentences should be to the point. So, it can help to make the process of approval quicker. You have to avoid too long and complex sentences.

Then, you may also need to make this a 2 way agreement. It means, you should write this kind of agreement for multiple agencies, not only one. The more agencies, the higher chance of approval it will be. If you have more relations with other agencies, it will be better for your company.

In writing a shared services agreement letter, we recommend you to make it flexible. In this case, the versatility of this agreement entirely will depend on the flexibility of the agreement’s terms & conditions. So, it must be very careful in making the terms & agreements.

It also requires you to follow the existing templates. There are so many template samples of such agreement on internet. So, you can learn from them and make your own agreement. You can also find the downloadable & editable templates. Then, edit it according to the needed details.

How to Write a Shared Services Agreement

This agreement should contain some elements. One of them is pricing. In this case, you have to be transparent with the price. Besides that, business management also belongs to one of the elements to be included in it. So, just describe it as clear as possible.

Standardization process should also be included in this agreement. This process depends on the company. The next element needed is practice proliferation. There is one more element you will need to include in this agreement called service culture. All of those elements are essential for this agreement.

Education Shared Services Agreement Shared Employee Services Agreement Shared Services Agreement

On internet, you can find so many shared services agreement samples easily. For example, there is a shared employee services agreement, a cost shared services agreement, an adopting shared services agreement, an education shared services agreement, a uniform shared services agreement, and others.

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