Film Budgets Template Printable

Film Budgets Template for PDF with Excel

Film Budgets Template is a form template that is created to arrange the finance expense and manage the budgets around for a film producing. This form is important in film production. A schedule cannot be run any single without having clear estimated budget.

Budget for Post Production Film

Having this document paper helps you to collect and gather the whole important information related to the film’s finance process. You will know whether the amount of the money have been divided correctly, according to the plan.

A template form can help you to create the form based on the pattern. It will help you to make the document with right direction. Most importantly, you will not miss to add the significant elements in the document. Then, how to start to create this form? Keep follow the steps below.

How to Make Film Budgets Template

To create a good budget document, you need to understand about basic elements. In a sample budget, there are three important points that are generally talked in the form document. First, it is the pre-production, production, and post production.

Documentary Film Budget

Each of these productions need a deep research before put in the final. Each of the elements also mention about certain things. In the pre-production research, it will cover the proposal development and fundraising.

It also covers the archival research, story rights, story consultant, writer, research shoot, and sample tape. Next to each features, there are total run time and intended delivery date that includes the rate in SUS, and quantity.

Besides this, countries of production and currency of production are also being mentioned next to the previous feature. Under this, there is duration, total cost, in kind, and a cash menu. About all of the elements are going to mention about the previous features.

Budget sample printable of production collects a lot more features that need to be managed. The amount of the features on this element is almost as many as the post-production. These two elements content with important subjects to think about.

What to Write in Production and Post-Production Budget

There are several things that you need to mention. In the production part, more than ten parts are going to be on the list. You need to arrange the budget for producer, producer director, director of photography and sound, the translator, and the association production.

Feature film budget

The budget for consultants, experts, and honoraria are included in this section. It is same with the budget for sound recording, camera package, lighting & equipment, budget for stock, photography, hotel, meals, car rental, and other additional stuff such as gas, parking, mileage, toll, and taxes.

All of these cost need to be collected for sub total production. The same construction goes for subtotal production. There are various things in the post-production that need to be mentioned. Those are the budget for editor, picture, sounds, supervising editor and consulting editor.

A budget for offline editing suite rental, transcription interviews, archival footage, conversions, edit stock, maskers, computer graphics, animation, on-line editing suite and editor, and original music recording.

Besides this, there is outreach and impact subject that you also consider to think about. In this part, the DVD authoring, DVD stock, DVDCAMV and Screening copies are some of the things you are going to write. You still need to add poster, materials, shipping, and more in the Film Budgets Template.



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