10+ Sample House Cleaning Schedule Template

You need to keep your house clean. Therefore, cleaning house should be done regularly. Even more, you can make a schedule if needed. If you are interested, we have the guidelines in creating a house cleaning schedule template.

How to Write a House Cleaning Schedule Template

There are some important steps that you have to follow carefully in making a house cleaning schedule. First of all, you need to set your standard. For example, you clean your house for you, your family, or something else. It all should be clear.

Template 2 hour House Cleaning Checklist Sample

Besides that, you should decide which room matters most. You may have a priority in cleaning a room in the house. For example, if you cannot cook in a dirty kitchen, you have to prioritize cleaning the kitchen. If there will be a guest, living room should matter most.

Then, it is also important to evaluate your free time so that you know the available time for cleaning house. It depends on your daily activities. You may only have free time after working so that you can schedule cleaning house in the afternoon.

Next, you should pick the cleaning approach. For example, you prefer a room-based cleaner or a task-based cleaning. You have to decide this before you make the cleaning schedule. The example of task-based cleaning is to dust on one day, vacuum the next, mop floors on the 3rd day, etc.

However, some people prefer room-based cleaner. In this cleaning approach, you should clean a room at one time. Different cleaning approaches have different advantages. So, it depends on your desire to decide this.

Creating a home cleaning schedule template also requires you to have daily cleaning routine. Even though you have 2 most important rooms to clean, you still have other tasks to clean other rooms. For example, you still need to do the dishes, take out the trash in the kitchen, etc.

After you prepare it all, it is time to schedule the time of cleaning house. For example, you can note that Sunday is the day to clean the bedroom or mop the floor. If possible, you can be more specific by mentioning the specific time.

Even though you make a cleaning schedule, it does not mean that you do not need to clean a house outside the schedule. You have to be flexible. When you find that there is a dirty room, you should clean that room immediately. So, your house will always be clean every day.

If you want to make a room-based cleaning schedule, you have to provide Time column on the left most. Then, include the tasks to do on the right. For example, you can create a kitchen cleaning schedule, bedroom cleaning schedule, bathroom cleaning schedule, etc.

However, most people prefer task-based cleaning. Here, you should provide Room column on the left in the table. Then, make columns for days. This house cleaning schedule template allows you plan what day to bedroom, kitchen, living room, etc.


Template Basic House Cleaning Schedule Sample Template Bi Weekly Whole House Cleaning Checklist Sample Template Blank House Cleaning Schedule Sample Template Daily House Cleaning Schedule Sample 2 Template House Cleaning Checklist Sample Template House Cleaning Schedule Checklist Sample Template monthly House Cleaning Checklist Sample Template Weekly House Cleaning Schedule Sample

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