Sample Restaurant Receipt

Free Sample Restaurant Receipt Template

Restaurant receipt can be defined as a document showing the foods & drinks ordered in the organized manner. This sample restaurant receipt will help you understand it more. In fact, it is needed for you who manage a bar, restaurant, etc. Here, we will learn further about that form.

Sample Blank Restaurant Receipt Templates 1


How to Write a Sample Restaurant Receipt

A restaurant receipt template will really improve your dining checkout workflow. A good restaurant receipt must provide the required information such as the customer’s info, date, time, receipt number, ordered items, and also the total amount of money to be paid. Here are the detailed steps.

Sample Restaurant Receipt in Excel Templates

First of all, you have to make a title. You can simply write Restaurant Receipt, Restaurant Bill Receipt, Bar Receipt, or something else. The title should be placed at the top of the receipt template with bigger size of font. Sometimes, the name and the logo of the restaurant also need to be included.

After that, you can continue with the details of the customer’s information. Usually, it begins with the name of the customer. It is better if you write his or her full name rather than the nick name only. Besides that, it is a good idea to add other details of customer’s info like email and phone.

Then, what you have to provide is the information of the receipt. It is a must to include the receipt number. You also need to include the date of the order. For more specific, usually a restaurant receipt also includes the specific time when the order is made. This is very important for records.

Now, you can serve the items ordered in the restaurant. You can serve it in a list but it is better if you make a table. To serve the ordered items, the table must have some headers depending on the required information to be provided on the restaurant receipt form. Here is the example for you.

Starts from the leftmost column, it should be the number of list. It aims to make the list organized well. It also let’s both the restaurant and customer know how many items which are purchased at the restaurant. The number of items helps the restaurant to calculate the money to be paid.

The next column should be headed with the names of foods. On this column, you have to state the foods, drinks or snacks purchased by the customer. Each number or row is for different food. In fact, a customer usually purchases more than one item of food when he or she eats at a restaurant.

The next column can be for Quantity (Qty) header. On this column, you have to state the quantity of each item or food. Then, it can be followed with Price. On this column, you have to state the price of each food, drink or snack purchased by the customer.

The last column should be for Total. It is the total price of the foods based on the quantity. In this sample restaurant receipt, you can see Subtotal and Tax before it provides the Total Amount of money to be paid.

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