10+ Excel Schedule Template Printable

Your activities need to be planned properly. So, you should make a schedule. The schedule will be best made using Ms. Excel. If you have never made such template, in this article we will share step by step in making Excel schedule template correctly.

How to Write an Excel Schedule Template

There are some steps that you need to follow if you want to make a schedule template in Excel. First of all, you have to make sure that you have Ms. Excel on your computer. Here, you need to start it first. Once Ms. Excel opens, you should click the File tab at the left top of the screen.

Template Bill Payment Schedule Sample

After you tab on that tab, you will see many options available. To create the template, you need to choose New. It means you will start a new page of Ms. Excel. Once you select it, you will be directed to a new page of Ms. Excel.

On the new page, there are many features you can use. You can also find many available templates on the left. Here, what you need to do is to double click on the Schedules option. So, you do not need to make the template manually. But make sure that your device is connected to internet.

There will be many categories of schedule template. Here, you can choose one of them based on the schedule template you want to make. For example, you may want to make a business schedule. SO, you can simply click Business on the available categories.

The next step to make a schedule template Excel is to click one of the cells with a name of employee. You can find these cells on the left. Next, you should overtype that name with the real name of your employee. Repeat this to add all of your employees to be included on the schedule.

You can delete any row that you do not need or you can also add rows by choosing Insert. If you do not delete or add any row, now you can copy the cells with your employees’ names. Highlight them and paste to replace the available names.

Mostly, the times run across the top. Here, you can change those times if you want. You just need to overtype the existing times simply. Changing the time should be adjusted to the schedule you want to make. You should do this carefully.

Next, you should delete dummy information by clicking a cell containing data & hit Delete button on the keyboard. This template usually has information above the grid you want to amend. For examples are the title, the fields for the start & end date and also the name of the department.

Now, you should save it to your computer. Just click File menu & select Save As then name the file with your desired name. You can choose the location where to store it. Finally, click “Save” button. Your Excel schedule template can be opened anytime.


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