10+ Letter of Recommendation Template Sample

Letter of Recommendation Template and What to Include Inside It

Do you know what is letter of recommendation? Yes, as its name, it is a letter in order to recommend the other people or promote them in specific situation. This letter is able to use in several fields. Here, we will talk about the letter of recommendation template to explain more.

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Yes, by knowing the template of letter of recommendation, of course you will be easier in creating this letter. Something that you need to know, by using this letter, you may help the dream of people to get the position that they want.

Well, there are some interesting matters inside the detail of letter of recommendation to know. For those who are curious with it, please take a sit and read some following writings below.

How to Write the Letter of Recommendation?

As we have said before, the letter of recommendation is an important document that is able to be used in many fields. This letter will be useful to help a college student to get new college as they want. Then, this letter is also useful to promote an employee to get better position.

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Well, to be able to create a good letter of recommendation, there are some ways that you need to understanding during the process of creating. The ways to make this letter are:

To make a good letter of recommendation, for the first you need to use the formal letter format. Something that you need to know, the letter of recommendation is a formal letter and it is different with the personal letter.

To allow the formal format of the letter, there are some guidelines that you need to follow, as:

  • Place the address on the top-right corner and then write the full spelled date
  • Place the name and address of recipient in the left hand side
  • Open the letter with the formal greeting
  • You may use Dear or Madam or Sir when you do not know the name
  • Open up with the short praise and enthusiastic

After the salutation, it will be useful when you open the letter of recommendation with the enthusiastic and short praise. In this case, you do not allow applying too long sentences. Something important here is make the readers know that you trust the agent inside the letter

  • Explain how you know the candidate

Since the letter of recommendation is to give recommendation, you need to know the candidate in detail. In the third point, you need to explain how you know the candidate. Try to explain it with the clear sentences.

  • Explain about the qualification of candidate

To give a good recommendation, you need to explain the ability of the candidate. Try to build a strong argument in order to show the great ability of the candidate. It will increase the amount of trust of the readers

  • Close the letter positively

For the closing, you need to tell about the positive statement. Give a good sentence that draw a great target that will be able to be reached by the candidate.

Well, that is all about the elements of letter of recommendation to know. You may do some researches in order to find the right letter of recommendation template.



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