Internship Resignation and the Letter Sample

An internship is commonly looked for by any student in their 4th semester or higher. Getting into a work environment earlier will get them an experience valuable when they are graduated in the future. Also, they might also obtain a recommendation letter from the company which is useful for applying for jobs. However, if you are getting worse at managing your time at the internship, you should consider resigning by handing in an internship resignation letter.

168.Internship Resignation

What is an Internship Resignation Letter?

An internship resignation letter is a formal form of notice notifying an intern’s resignation from their internship at a company. Normally, it is not too different from any other resignation letter coming from an employee. Even if you are not paid, it is important to be professional to train you for future work concerning handing in letters.

Is it possible for You to do Nothing at the Internship?

Yes, it is possible to have no work at all during the internship. An intern might just sit around their desk and get told to do an easy errand for the employee. It is a different story if you are getting paid, though. If you are not comfortable anymore with having no significant duty, you should consider hand in an internship resignation letter.

Tips in Writing a Brawny Internship Resignation Letter

It is important to know the business format for the internship resignation letter first. The content should well-mannered in grammar, structure, and spelling. If you follow the tips down below, you will have an exemplary sample of the letter.

  • Write down facts and reasons for resigning
  • Keep it professional and short
  • Include your contact number
  • End it with gratitude

The Sample of an Internship Resignation Letter

If you are getting baffled by the complexity of choices of words you want to use, you should try observing a sample below describing an intern situation to resign so you can write it properly, eventually.

Dear Mr. Henry,

I am writing this letter to you to inform my official resignation as an internship at UYO company effective immediately on 23rd November 2020. Please let this be my 2 weeks’ notice for the requirement of resignation. I decided to resign as I have other ambitions to accomplish which I believe will be time-consumptive and my working hours at the internship will be taken away. For that reason, I prefer to accomplish this ambition of mine which is to continue my study at Oxford.

Even though this is a sudden announcement, I hope this will not pose any inconvenience to your company and other employees. If you have any questions regarding my resignation, you can contact me at 01983895.

I am truly joyful experiencing the work environment at this company. the mentor and the employee are kind and cooperative to support my internship program. Hopefully, this company may have their best future ahead of them.

Thank you for your time and consideration

Sincerely Yours,


Mr. Levi

That concludes the end of the handful of tips regarding the resignation letter.

As an intern, it is important for you to set up your internship resignation letter, should you find yourself incapable of managing your time well.


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